Soundbytes from various keynote talks:
Most manufacturers are still operating as if they were in 1975. They’re working in a patchwork of systems to power their operations. The shop floor hasn’t changed much since the seventies. And the downstream effects of this communication and training issue ripple throughout the entire company.
75% of the workforce will be millennials by 2025. (Forbes)
81% of manufacturers still rely on paper for work instructions. (Dozuki Survey)
These two statistics (among others) point to a trend that manufacturing companies are trying to navigate every day.
Manufacturing doesn’t have a hiring problem, it has a retention problem.
Connected Worker Summit 2023 – Chicago, IL USA
One tactic for driving change and improvement with our people (rather than to them) was leveraging “The Law of the Few,” as detailed in Malcom Gladwell’s book, The Tipping Point.
Here’s a quick summary of the principle:
Before widespread popularity can be attained, three archetypes have to champion an idea, meme, or project before it can reach critical mass. Connectors are the people in your company who know everyone and regularly make introductions. Mavens are subject matter experts who connect people with new information. Salesmen are charismatic, persuasive and interpersonally influential.
On our team, we had several employees who were gifted in each of those three areas. And they took turns influencing the broader group with their knowledge, connection, and sales abilities.
AME Everywhere Virtual Conference 2020 Keynote (
Manufacturers Alliance 2022 Annual Meeting (